Our Impact Stories

How Unitaid investments are making a difference

Through careful analysis and clear, concise graphics our impact stories summarize the direct and indirect impact that our grants have had over time.

To design the best possible grants, Unitaid defines a problem, then investigates how our investment can work to solve it. We gather data to help forecast the health impact of a proposed grant, and identify obstacles that might get in the way. For every grant, we carefully weigh expenditures against potential returns, ensuring that every dollar is spent wisely.

Our impact stories provide a quick overview of individual grants across Unitaid’s portfolio. Problems and solutions are explained, with the impact of our investments displayed in graphics. The stories in this selection concern severe malaria outcomes, improved treatment for HIV with the optimal drug dolutegravir, early infant diagnosis and point-of-care technology, the Medicines Patent Pool, and improving the use of  tuberculosis diagnostics.

You can read a selection of impact stories below:

Read more about our impact

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