Unitaid soutient l’accès aux anticorps monoclonaux dans les pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire avec un nouvel appel à propositions

La date limite de soumission des propositions est le 1er mars 2024.

Les anticorps monoclonaux sont des versions fabriquées de protéines qui imitent celles générées par le système immunitaire pour nous défendre contre les maladies. Ils peuvent être développés pour traiter ou prévenir toute une série de maladies et transforment déjà la médecine moderne dans les pays à revenu élevé. Grâce à leur potentiel à fournir une protection plus rapide, plus tolérable et très efficace, ils sont également très prometteurs pour répondre aux besoins de santé publique dans les pays à revenu faible ou intermédiaire – mais il existe de graves inégalités à travers le monde en matière d’accès à ces produits.

Des prix très élevés, une capacité de production insuffisante et une visibilité limitée sur la demande et les perspectives des utilisateurs comptent parmi les principaux obstacles qui limitent l’utilisation des anticorps monoclonaux dans les pays à revenu faible ou intermédiaire. Cela perpétue le manque d’intérêt pour les marchés des maladies infectieuses et n’encourage pas l’innovation pour simplifier et réduire les coûts de production et de livraison.

Unitaid cherche à soutenir les efforts visant à démontrer la faisabilité et la viabilité de modèles commerciaux susceptibles de réduire les coûts de production et de livraison et de permettre une capacité de production suffisante d’anticorps monoclonaux, afin de rendre accessibles les produits les plus prometteurs – y compris ceux déjà approuvés ou en cours de développement – dans les PRFI.

L’objectif ultime est d’établir des modèles pour un accès généralisé et équitable aux anticorps monoclonaux afin qu’ils puissent avoir le plus grand impact dès leur sortie du pipeline, pour compléter d’autres outils et améliorer la réponse sanitaire mondiale aux principaux besoins de santé publique dans les pays à faible et moyen niveau. pays à revenus.

Apprenez-en davantage sur ce dernier appel à propositions et sur la manière de postuler ici.

Q&A: Monoclonal antibodies

From milligrams to megatons: A climate and nature assessment of 10 key health products

Executive summary: From milligrams to megatons: A climate and nature assessment of 10 key health products

Unitaid’s climate and health strategy 2023-2027

Climat et santé

Le Conseil d’administration approuve de nouveaux domaines d’activité ambitieux pour Unitaid lors de sa 43e réunion

Brasilia, 22 November 2023 – Hosted by Brazil, one of Unitaid’s founding members, the 43rd session of Unitaid’s Executive Board concluded with decisions that chart out ambitious new areas of work that reaffirm Unitaid’s role as a pathfinder and innovator while adapting to today’s global health challenges.

Progress towards meeting key 2030 global health targets is off-track as needs outstrip available resources. At the status quo, ending the AIDS, Tuberculosis, and malaria epidemics, as well as preventable deaths of newborns and children under five, are looking increasingly unlikely, while at the same time, climate disasters and the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic are straining global health programs.

Against this backdrop, Unitaid is looking at innovative solutions that are needed now more than ever to help meet the needs of the most vulnerable populations and enable the global response to continue progressing toward 2030 targets.

In support of these efforts, the Board reiterated its support for Unitaid’s resource mobilization efforts, approved a new area for intervention to enable access to monoclonal antibodies to treat and prevent infectious disease in low and middle-income countries (LMICs), and approved a new climate and health strategy to contribute to resilient health systems centered around climate-smart health products.

Monoclonal antibodies can treat or prevent a wide range of diseases – and are already revolutionizing modern medicine in high-income countries. They also hold great potential to transform how public health needs are addressed in LMICs. But this transformative technology is not yet a reality in many LMICs, due to high cost and other access barriers. Unitaid has identified opportunities to address these barriers and help establish viable business models, enabling access to monoclonal antibodies to treat and prevent infectious diseases in LMICs.

“Despite the global health challenges of today, I see real grounds for optimism thanks to the generosity of our host, Brazil, and other donors who remain committed to delivering quality health innovations,” said Dr Philippe Duneton, Executive Director of Unitaid. “I am also encouraged by the Executive Board’s decision to approve Unitaid’s new area for intervention in monoclonal antibodies, given their transformative potential and promise in infectious diseases, children’s health, and pandemics. Today’s rising challenges demand ambitious solutions,” he added.

During the two-day session, the Board also voted to extend until end of 2025 the terms of current Executive Board Chair, Marisol Touraine, and Vice-Chair, Ambassador Cecilia Kiku Ishitani, ensuring continuity and stability in Unitaid’s leadership as the global health infrastructure continues to recover from the unforeseen impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We were delighted to hold this year’s Executive Board meeting in Brasilia, where we were warmly welcomed. Critical decisions were taken which will support Unitaid to shape a more equitable and sustainable future,” said Ms. Touraine. “And I am grateful to the Board for their trust and confidence to extend my term as the Board Chair. I look forward to building upon the progress we made together over my last two terms and ensure Unitaid continues to succeed as a pioneer for equitable global health solutions.”

During her tenure as chair, Ms. Touraine helped to strengthen Unitaid’s governance and create greater transparency and inclusivity. Her strategic leadership of the Board during the COVID-19 pandemic brought clear guidance to the Secretariat and helped Unitaid adapt and evolve, demonstrating the relevance of its model and how it complements the work of other key global health players in delivering effective solutions.

The extended terms of the Chair and Vice-Chair will end at the closure of the December 2025 Executive Board meeting, and will align with the mid-term review of Unitaid’s 2023-2027 strategy.

Media contacts:

For more information and media requests:

Hervé Verhoosel

Head of Communications and Spokesperson

M: +33 6 22 59 73 54


Kyle Wilkinson,

Communications Officer

+41 79 445 17 45


The health products manufacturers support platform: Enhancing regional manufacturing of health technologies in Africa