Unitaid et le gouvernement du Kenya renforcent leur partenariat pour faire avancer les objectifs de santé mondiale

Nairobi/Geneva – Global health agency Unitaid and the Government of Kenya are launching a newly reinforced cooperation, with a memorandum of understanding between the two parties signed in Nairobi.

Over its decade and a half history, Unitaid has worked closely with Kenyan partners to enable affordable, equitable, and rapid access to game-changing health innovations for those who need them. These include early infant HIV diagnostics, best-in-class antiretroviral drugs for adults and children with HIV, child-friendly tuberculosis (TB) medicines, cutting-edge screen-and-treat solutions for cervical cancer, indoor sprays to curb malaria, and access to COVID-19 tests and medical oxygen, among many others.

The agreement will further improve alignment between Unitaid investments and Kenyan health priorities, enable early access to innovations, and strengthen capacity of Kenyan health services, systems, research institutions and manufacturers.

“Unitaid’s collaboration with Kenya dates from its very beginnings 15 years ago. Nearly 80% of Unitaid’s US$1.5 billion currently invested supports work on the African continent. Kenya is a close partner in these efforts – both as one of the countries where the greatest number of Unitaid projects are running, and as one of the quickest countries to adopt and scale up critical health innovations,” said Dr Philippe Duneton, Executive Director of Unitaid. “This partnership will further advance our shared goals to improve health in Kenya and beyond.”

“Advances in health innovations hold game-changing potential when implemented widely and equitably, but ensuring products reach the last mile is far from guaranteed. This is why our partnership with Unitaid is so valuable: together we will design the most impactful solutions so no one is left behind,” “said Sen. Mutahi Kagwe, Cabinet Secretary for Health of the Republic of Kenya.

Joint efforts will focus on advancing sustainable approaches to reduce the burdens of HIV, TB, malaria, cervical cancer, hepatitis and COVID-19, improve the health of women and children, increase regional and domestic manufacturing of essential health products and strengthen pandemic preparedness and response efforts.

Media contact:

For more information and media requests:

Maggie Zander

Communications officer

M: +41 79 593 17 74


Unitaid adopte une nouvelle stratégie pour cinq ans ambitieuse lors de la 40ème session du conseil d’administration

Geneva – Today, at its 40th meeting, Unitaid’s Executive Board adopted a new strategy for 2023-2027. Through the new strategy, the organisation will continue to champion equitable access to health innovation. With the introduction of at least 30 game-changing new health products by 2030, Unitaid will accelerate the global response to combat HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria, and improve the health of women and children.

The 2023-2027 Strategy builds on Unitaid’s past successes and affirms its unique place in global health, leveraging its distinct comparative advantage – as a pathfinder, investor and influencer – and will maximize the impact of its interventions to save time, money and lives.

The organization will continue its drive to accelerate the introduction and adoption of key health products with a goal of creating sustainable, equitable access to life-saving diagnostics and treatments. These goals will be built on inclusive and demand-driven partnerships for innovation so that fit-for-purpose, affordable, innovative health solutions rapidly reach all people in need.

The new strategy also highlights the need to improve engagement with civil society and countries to identify innovative ways to increase access to tests, treatments and preventive tools.

Unitaid’s success is measured through the tangible impact its investments have on people’s lives. The new roadmap for Unitaid places people at the center of its work and priorities, reflecting Unitaid’s commitment to expand the reach of the best health products for those who need them most.

“I am proud that the Executive Board approved a new strategy that builds on Unitaid’s strengths today to rise to the challenges of tomorrow and to accelerate the path towards SDG3. With this strategy, we want to go faster in achieving global goals in closer partnership with communities and countries who need our interventions,” said Marisol Touraine, Chair of the Unitaid Executive Board. “The Board stays fully committed to support efforts to mobilize resources allowing the Secretariat to successfully implement the 2023-2027 strategy.”

Unitaid will be seeking US$1.5 billion for the next five years to step up its investments and deliver the goals outlined in the new strategy.

“I look forward to our new five-year strategy supporting a global effort to end HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria and improving the health of women and girls by putting the best healthcare products science can provide in reach of all who need them”, said Unitaid Executive Director Dr Philippe Duneton.

Unitaid’s investments are bringing forward the time it will take to reach global HIV, tuberculosis and malaria targets by more than three years. The supported health products are projected to save between US$5 and US$6 billion dollars between now and 2030.

The Board also elected Ambassador Cecilia Kiku Ishitani from Brazil as the new Executive Board Vice-Chair.


Sarah Mascheroni

Communications officer

Email: mascheronisa@who.int

Mobile: +41 79 728 73 11

Unitaid Strategy 2023-2027

FIND et Unitaid investissent 2 millions de dollars pour soutenir le plaidoyer en faveur des approches de dépistage-traitement de la COVID-19 dans les pays à revenu faible ou intermédiaire

  • FIND and Unitaid are supporting 21 in-country advocacy partners across 19 low- and middle-income countries to develop and implement advocacy strategies that will improve uptake of test-and-treat approaches to combat COVID-19
  • Projects will raise awareness of COVID-19 testing and treatment among the public, key opinion leaders, and specific high-risk and vulnerable groups
  • Sitting within broader advocacy efforts, this initiative was conceptualised and executed by the Country Support Working Group, led by UNICEF, within the ACT-A Diagnostics Pillar
  • This initiative complements a previously announced investment by FIND and Unitaid of US$50 million to support early adoption of test-and-treat care packages

GENEVA, SWITZERLAND. FIND, the global alliance for diagnostics and Unitaid are investing US$2 million in a coordinated advocacy programme spanning 19 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) designed to boost access and uptake of COVID-19 tests and treatments. A total of 21 organizations with a diverse range of healthcare expertise have been selected from more than 300 applicants, following a request for proposals (RFP) and competitive selection process that included assessment by a panel of independent reviewers. Criteria for funding included previous public health advocacy experience and expected impact of test-and-treat advocacy in the targeted region.

FIND co-leads the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator Diagnostics Pillar, while Unitaid co-leads the Therapeutics Pillar. The Diagnostics Pillar’s Country Support Working Group, led by UNICEF, includes an Advocacy, Communications and Community Engagement (ACCE) Task Force (co-led by CHAI and UNICEF), which supports test-and-treat advocacy. This initiative follows the independent ACT-Accelerator strategic review that was published in October 2021, as well as calls from civil society, which both highlighted the need for increased inclusion and meaningful engagement of LMICs, regional bodies, civil society organizations, and community representatives in the COVID-19 response. Funded activities will provide avenues for stronger involvement of these key stakeholder groups in COVID-19 test-and-treat approaches.

Projects range in duration from 6 to 18 months, and will raise awareness of COVID-19 testing and treatment among the public, key opinion leaders, and specific high-risk and vulnerable groups. Partners include (listed alphabetically by country): Mhair Educational, Health and Human Rights Organization (Afghanistan), Family Planning Association of Bangladesh (Bangladesh), IMAG Communication (Burkina Faso), Maison des Associations de lutte contre le Sida (Burkina Faso), Health Poverty Action Cambodia (Cambodia), Caritas Développement Mbujimayi (Democratic Republic of the Congo), TB Alert India (India), Pi Consulting (India), Kenya AIDS NGOs Consortium (Kenya), Health Poverty Action Laos (Laos), Caritas Lesotho (Lesotho), ESTAMOS (Mozambique), REDTRANS (Nicaragua), Shifa Foundation (Pakistan), Media for Deaf Rwanda (Rwanda), South Sudan Community Change Agency (South Sudan), Sikika (Tanzania), Université Mahmoud El Materi (Tunisia), HEPS (Uganda), Zambia Interfaith Working Group (Zambia), Pan-African Treatment Access Movement (Zimbabwe). Further information on these partners and their projects is included in the annex.

Bill Rodriguez, CEO of FIND, said: “We have the tools to defeat this pandemic, but in many areas of the world they are still not accessible to those who need them. Armed with learnings from the fight against HIV, we know that impact is best achieved when communities are empowered to advocate for patients to receive timely and appropriate test-and-treat services.”

Philippe Duneton, Executive Director of Unitaid, said: “We now have treatment options that can prevent hospitalizations and deaths for those at high risk of developing severe or critical COVID-19. Timely deployment of adequate tests and treatments in low-resource settings, especially for the people at risk of severe cases, will be key in the response to the pandemic. And supporting civil society organizations and communities, at the heart of this endeavour, is crucial for its success.”

Alexandre Costa, Senior Health Advisor at UNICEF and a co-lead of the ACCE Task Force, said: “While we have greater innovations in diagnostics for COVID-19, we are faced with a global decrease in testing rates and persisting challenges around equitable access.  Testing is a key element of the response, and the best tool we have to detect outbreaks early, reduce transmission and limit the social and economic impact.   Engaging communities in LMICs in a test and treat approach brings us closer to our shared goal of more equitable access.”

Renuka Gadde, Senior Advisor for Global Diagnostics at CHAI and co-lead of the ACCE Task Force, said: “Testing is critical to prevent outbreaks and end the pandemic, yet it is still not regularly occurring in many low- and middle-income countries. Working with governments and communities, we can help drive understanding based on countries’ unique needs to reduce bottlenecks and ensure that tests are not only available but are regularly conducted.”

Carolyn Gomes, civil society representative to the ACT-Accelerator, said: “Financial resources are absolutely essential to the sustained mobilization of community and civil society organizations toward any disease response, with these grants providing a crucial boost to efforts to advance COVID test and treat awareness and advocacy strategies. The ACT-A community and civil society representatives to the diagnostics and therapeutics pillars applaud Unitaid and FIND’s recognition of the essential role of local community and civil society participation in health literacy and dialogue on public health policy, as well as the importance of community and civil society awareness and mobilization to maximizing equity of and access to public health interventions.”

This work complements a previously announced investment by FIND and Unitaid of US$50 million, which addresses inequities in access to COVID-19 testing and treatment, as well as supporting early adoption of comprehensive, effective, and safe care packages for people with COVID-19. More recently, at the Second Global COVID-⁠19 Summit, the Global Fund, USAID and Unitaid, together with FIND and other ACT-Accelerator partners, announced more than US$120 million to support test-and-treat implementation with locally led solutions in over 20 low- and middle-income countries.


Annex: List of selected partners and projects


About FIND

FIND, the global alliance for diagnostics, seeks to ensure equitable access to reliable diagnosis around the world. We connect countries and communities, funders, decision-makers, healthcare providers and developers to spur diagnostic innovation and make testing an integral part of sustainable, resilient health systems. We are working to save 1 million lives through accessible, quality diagnosis, and save US$1 billion in healthcare costs to patients and health systems. We are co-convener of the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator diagnostics pillar, and a WHO Collaborating Centre for Laboratory Strengthening and Diagnostic Technology Evaluation. For more information, please visit www.finddx.org


About Unitaid

Unitaid is a global health agency engaged in finding innovative solutions to prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases more quickly, cheaply, and effectively, in low- and middle-income countries. Its work includes funding initiatives to address major diseases such as HIV, malaria, and tuberculosis, as well as HIV co-infections and co-morbidities including advanced HIV disease, cervical cancer, and hepatitis C, and cross-cutting areas, such as fever management. Unitaid is now applying its expertise to address challenges in advancing new therapies and diagnostics for the COVID-19 pandemic, serving as a key member of the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator, co-leading with Wellcome the Therapeutics Pillar and participating in the Diagnostics Pillar. Unitaid is hosted by the World Health Organization. For more information, please visit www.unitaid.org


About the ACT-Accelerator

The Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator is a global coalition of organizations developing and deploying the new diagnostics, treatments and vaccines needed to end the acute phase of the pandemic. Pooling the expertise of its many partners, the ACT-Accelerator has quickly ushered in rapid, affordable tests and effective medicines for low and middle-income countries and established the COVAX facility for the equitable procurement and distribution of vaccines in low- and lower-middle-income countries. The ACT Accelerator partnership was formed at the onset of the pandemic in response to a call from G20 leaders, and was launched by WHO, the European Commission, France, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Media contacts:


Sarah-Jane Loveday
Director of Communications
M: +41 79 431 62 44



Maggie Zander
Communications officer
M: +41 79 593 17 74

En 15 années d’existence, Unitaid a promu des avancées dans les soins de santé qui ont permis de secourir des centaines de millions de personnes

En 15 années d’existence, Unitaid a promu des avancées dans les soins de santé qui ont permis de secourir des centaines de millions de personnes

Unitaid a 15 ans

Unitaid fête ses 15 ans au service d’une équité renforcée en matière de santé mondiale

  • Chaque année, plus de 100 millions de personnes bénéficient de meilleurs soins et sont en meilleure santé grâce à l’introduction de plus de 150 produits de santé révolutionnaires.  
  • Favorisant l’efficience et l’efficacité, ces produits permettront d’économiser plus de 5 milliards de dollars d’ici 2030.  
  • Parmi les interventions révolutionnaires, on compte notamment : les traitements de pointe contre le VIH, les toutes premières formulations médicamenteuses conçues pour traiter le VIH, les traitements pour soigner la tuberculose et prévenir le paludisme chez les enfants, mais aussi l’ensemble des outils de prévention du paludisme, ainsi que les solutions de dépistage et de traitement du cancer du col de l’utérus. 
  • Le Secrétaire général des Nations Unies António Guterres salue l’agilité d’Unitaid dans une déclaration émise à l’occasion de l’anniversaire.

Genève – À l’approche de son quinzième anniversaire, Unitaid expose aujourd’hui l’impact de ses efforts visant à faciliter des interventions de santé de meilleure qualité, plus rapides et plus équitables.     

Au cours des 15 dernières années, Unitaid a permis de débloquer l’accès à plus de 150 avancées dans le domaine des technologies de santé, révolutionnant les soins pour plus de 100 millions de personnes qui, chaque année, bénéficient de ces produits.     

Parmi ces avancées, on peut notamment citer les meilleurs traitements pour le VIH et les plus répandus, les tout premiers médicaments formulés à l’intention des enfants atteints du VIH et de la tuberculose, ainsi que les médicaments permettant la prévention du paludisme, mais aussi les solutions de dépistage et de traitement du cancer du col de l’utérus, et l’ensemble des outils actuellement utilisés pour prévenir le paludisme.     

Unitaid a par ailleurs joué un rôle de premier plan dans la lutte contre la COVID-19, étant l’un des principaux membres de l’Accélérateur d’accès aux outils contre la COVID-19 (ACT-A) qui favorise le déploiement de la réponse de santé mondiale la plus coordonnée de ces cent dernières années.    

Soutenus par un budget représentant moins de 1 % du total des investissements mondiaux dans la lutte contre la tuberculose, le VIH et le paludisme, les produits de santé promus par Unitaid permettront d’économiser plus de 5 milliards de dollars d’ici 2030.      

Pour obtenir ces résultats, Unitaid identifie des produits de santé révolutionnaires et lève les obstacles qui entravent leur utilisation à grande échelle.     

“Grâce à Unitaid, davantage de personnes en Afrique ont accès aux meilleurs traitements contre le VIH pour une fraction du prix d’origine. De jeunes enfants ont été guéris de la tuberculose grâce à des formulations de haute qualité et faciles à administrer. Des millions de jeunes sont mieux protégés contre le paludisme grâce à la distribution saisonnière de médicaments à grande échelle, une approche qui a permis de réduire considérablement la mortalité infantile sans augmenter les coûts” a déclaré António Guterres, Secrétaire général de l’Organisation des Nations Unies   

« Unitaid a permis d’améliorer la qualité des soins apportés à des centaines de millions de personnes qui, dans le monde entier, bénéficient des innovations de santé révolutionnaires que nous avons introduites. Cependant, au regard de l’échéance des objectifs de développement durable à l’horizon 2030 qui se rapproche et des reculs considérables engendrés par la pandémie de COVID-19, le travail d’Unitaid est aujourd’hui plus essentiel que jamais, » a dit le Dr Philippe Duneton, Directeur exécutif d’Unitaid.  

« Unitaid travaille en étroite collaboration avec l’OMS pour détecter les lacunes dans les données probantes et pour concevoir les interventions les plus nécessaires pour faire progresser les stratégies en matière de santé. L’organisation s’emploie à garantir que rien n’entrave le déploiement à grande échelle des innovations, et l’ensemble du système de santé mondial bénéficie de ce modèle, » a affirmé le DrTedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Directeur général de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé.     

« Comme tant de personnes dans le monde entier, j’ai le plaisir de féliciter Unitaid pour ses quinze années de labeur qui ont permis de sauver des vies. Depuis sa création en 2006, Unitaid est l’une des organisations innovantes les plus efficaces dans le domaine de la santé mondiale et du développement mondial, » a dit l’ancien Président des Etats-Unis Bill Clinton, fondateur de la Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI).       

Unitaid a été fondée en 2006 par le Brésil, le Chili, la France, la Norvège et le Royaume-Uni afin de combattre les inégalités croissantes en matière de santé. L’organisation a depuis assumé un rôle précurseur dans la mise en place d’interventions essentielles qui constituent aujourd’hui les piliers des initiatives mondiales en matière de santé.    

Unitaid célébrera son quinzième anniversaire le 22 mai, lors d’un événement de haut niveau qui mettra en lumière ses accomplissements pour la santé mondiale, réalisés en collaboration avec ses partenaires, et stimulera les efforts pour relever les défis qui perdurent.  

Consultez notre page Web spéciale 15 ans d’Unitaid

Contacts pour les médias

Pour plus d’informations ou pour des demandes des médias, veuillez contacter :

Hervé Verhoosel, Responsable des communications, +44 77 29 618 634, verhooselh@unitaid.who.int

Maggie Zander, Chargée de communication, +41 79 593 17 74, zanderm@unitaid.who.int 

A l’approche du 15e anniversaire d’Unitaid, le Secrétaire général de l’ONU salue l’engagement de l’organisation en faveur de l’équité et de l’innovation dans le domaine de la santé

Genève – Unitaid fêtera son anniversaire la veille de l’Assemblée mondiale de la Santé, le 22 mai, lors d’un événement de haut niveau qui rassemblera des partenaires issus des gouvernements, des organismes d’exécution, de la société civile et des communautés affectées. Faisant honneur aux quinze années d’expérience d’Unitaid et à son rôle précurseur en matière de santé mondiale, le Secrétaire général de l’Organisation des Nations Unies, António Guterres, a émis la déclaration de soutien ci-après.

J’ai le plaisir de célébrer le quinzième anniversaire d’Unitaid et de souligner le rôle essentiel de cette organisation qui, dans les pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire, abaisse les obstacles qui entravent le déploiement de services et de produits de santé innovants permettant de garantir la santé de toutes et tous et de réaliser l’agenda 2030 de développement durable à l’horizon 2030.

Grâce à Unitaid, les meilleurs traitements contre le VIH sont rendus accessibles à davantage de personnes sur l’ensemble du continent africain, à une fraction du prix initial. De jeunes enfants ont été guéris de la tuberculose au moyen de formulations de haute qualité et faciles à administrer. Des millions de jeunes gens sont mieux protégés contre le paludisme, grâce à la distribution à grande échelle de médicaments de façon saisonnière ; cette démarche a permis de réduire considérablement la mortalité infantile sans augmenter les coûts.

La pandémie de COVID-19 a mis en exergue la nécessité d’assurer un accès équitable aux produits de santé et de déployer des interventions mondiales efficaces et coordonnées dans le domaine de la santé. Le modèle agile d’Unitaid permet de mettre en place des solutions novatrices pour prévenir, diagnostiquer et traiter les maladies, de gagner un temps précieux et de renforcer nos capacités collectives à faire face aux menaces sanitaires actuelles et futures.

Je tiens à saluer l’engagement d’Unitaid envers l’équité et l’innovation dans le domaine de la santé pour relever les défis mondiaux en la matière. Je vous félicite chaleureusement pour les efforts extraordinaires que vous déployez en vue de faire progresser la santé mondiale et sauver des vies.

Consultez notre page Web spéciale 15 ans d’Unitaid