Médicaments contre la tuberculose pour les enfants

Élargir le marché du traitement contre la tuberculose multirésistante

Assurer un approvisionnement stable de médicaments contre la tuberculose multirésistante

Achats de médicaments de première intention contre la tuberculose

Améliorer l’accès au diagnostic de la tuberculose multirésistante

De meilleurs traitements contre la tuberculose multirésistante

Georgia: Fighting ‘The Dragon with Nine Heads’. (en anglais seulement)

On the outskirts of Batumi, a beach town on the Black Sea popular with Georgians, Russians, Turks and Israelis, Teimuraz Ajiba sits down to pose for a portrait.

We are outside the city’s worn-down tuberculosis (TB) hospital. Ajiba has a wide smile and a strong, wiry frame. He says he feels better, despite his treatment being paused while his liver recovers from the toxic drugs – and despite TB being just one of his problems. He also suffers from hepatitis B, hepatitis C, skin cancer and HIV.

To complicate matters, his TB is ‘drug-resistant’: for Ajiba, the standard antibiotics no longer work. Multidrug-resistant TB or ‘MDR-TB’, as it is known, requires up to two years of pills and injections. This treatment is much less effective, using so-called ‘second line’ drugs with often harsh side effects – such as deafness, psychosis, nausea and, in his case, liver toxicity that aggravates his hepatitis.

Read more on the MSF website

Faster cheaper better ways to end tuberculosis