Rapport annuel : Faire progresser la santé mondiale à l’ère de la COVID-19

Genève – Unitaid a le plaisir de présenter son dernier rapport annuel qui couvre la période de juillet 2019 à juillet 2020. Il dresse le bilan de l’ensemble des travaux innovants qui ont pu être réalisés malgré les défis immenses posés par la pandémie de COVID-19.

Sous un format interactif, il présente les réflexions de la Présidente du Conseil d’administration Marisol Touraine au sujet de l’impact de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur les progrès réalisés dans la réponse au VIH/SIDA, à la tuberculose et au paludisme, ainsi que la vision du Directeur Exécutif, Dr. Philippe Duneton, au sujet du rôle que doit jouer Unitaid pour mettre un terme à la pandémie.

La pandémie de COVID-19 représente un défi complexe pour la santé mondiale. Le modèle flexible d’Unitaid a permis d’adapter rapidement et d’utiliser au mieux les partenariats et projets existants afin de contribuer à la lutte contre la pandémie dans les pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire.

En 2020, Unitaid s’est associé aux acteurs de la santé mondiale et du secteur privé au sein de l’Accélérateur d’accès aux outils contre la COVID-19 (Accélérateur ACT) afin de soutenir les efforts visant à faciliter le développement, la production et l’accès équitable aux tests de diagnostic, traitements et vaccins contre la COVID-19.

Dans ce contexte, nous avons en parallèle poursuivi nos efforts visant à soutenir le développement d’innovations cruciales et leur mise à disposition auprès du plus grand nombre pour lutter contre le cancer du col de l’utérus, promouvoir le dépistage du VIH à travers les autotests, combattre le paludisme avec de meilleurs outils de lutte antivectorielle et prévenir la tuberculose. Ces investissements s’inscrivent dans un portefeuille de projets important dont le champ d’action continue de s’élargir et dont la finalité est d’accélérer l’innovation afin de traiter ces trois maladies et leurs co-infections. Début 2020, nous avons également lancé notre nouveau mécanisme de financement agile, UnitaidExplore.

Alors que nos regards se tournent désormais vers 2021 et au-delà, les accomplissements d’Unitaid reflétés dans ce rapport mettent en lumière les progrès importants réalisés malgré les difficultés rencontrées en 2020, et dessine les contours des perspectives pour l’avenir.

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Unitaid réaffirme son soutien au Medicines Patent Pool, acteur clé pour l’accès équitable aux médicaments essentiels

Geneva – Through the approval of a new $34.3 million grant for the next five years to the Medicines Patent Pool (MPP), Unitaid has reinforced its historic commitment to equitable access to affordable, quality medicines for all.

Founded by Unitaid 10 years ago, MPP has established itself as a key player in global health through facilitating rapid access to medicines for people affected by HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and hepatitis C in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

Since its inception, MPP’s work with pharmaceutical manufacturers and partners has contributed to supplying over 15 billion doses of quality generic treatments for HIV and hepatitis C in LMICs.

Over the past six years, as part of a coalition of partners including the World Health Organization (WHO), the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, PEPFAR, Unitaid, and countries such as South Africa and civil society, MPP has facilitated the development, scale-up, and roll-out of dolutegravir (DTG) and the DTG combination regimen TLD (tenofovir/lamivudine/dolutegravir). TLD is a more efficient fixed-dose combination that contributes to decreasing the pill burden and increasing adherence to treatment for people living with HIV.

Joint efforts have contributed to making these life-saving drugs available at historically low prices. Countries are now procuring DTG for less than US$ 70 per person, per year — bringing substantial savings that can be reinvested in other areas. Current annual savings are enough to procure treatment for an additional 5 million people every year.

The WHO recommends DTG-based treatment as the preferred first- and second-line regimen for people living with HIV. MPP has also contributed to the development and distribution of different pediatric formulations that are better suited to children, and has played a critical role in enabling affordable access to hepatitis C treatments in many LMICs.

This new grant, that covers the period 2021-2025, will enable MPP to further its work centered around negotiating voluntary licenses and expanding production capacities for HIV, tuberculosis and hepatitis C medicines in order to make them more widely available and affordable for those who need it. The project also includes extending MPP’s scope to long-acting therapeutics, working alongside all Unitaid-funded long-acting projects with the objective to bring simplified treatments to patients and increase adherence. A further area of work targets voluntary licensing of patented medicines on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines.

“As the world is facing a major pandemic in its history, much can be learned from the positive experience and successes of the MPP in contributing to making treatments available and affordable for those who need them the most,” said Marisol Touraine, Chair of the Unitaid Executive Board and former French health Minister. “We are proud to extend our support to the organisation and continue to work together in favour of access to innovation for the most vulnerable.”

“Access to medicines is more than ever crucial for public health systems in low- and middle-income countries. We are honored by the renewed confidence of Unitaid” said Dr. Marie-Paule Kieny, Chair of MPP’s Executive Board. “Thanks to our partnership, MPP will continue to play a key role in providing access to quality, affordable and safe treatments and technologies in LMICs, making a critical contribution to the achievement of Universal Health Coverage by 2030.”

“We as communities welcome this great announcement” said Nelson Otwoma, Executive Director of the National Network of PLHAs in Kenya (NEPHAK). “If today in Kenya 1.1 million people living with HIV are on antiretrovirals, it is thanks to MPP and the availability of quality generic medicines for both adults and children. We are looking to MPP for the future and hope that affordable generic treatments will soon be available in our country for HIV related co-infections such as TB and other non-communicable diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.”

“Better access to medicines against HIV and other diseases is critical to ensure people in low- and middle-income countries continue to receive quality and effective care in the current context”, said Dr. Philippe Duneton, Executive Director of Unitaid. “In addition, MPP’s expertise provides a proven, useful model that can be used to contribute to making promising treatments against COVID-19 available and affordable”.

In April 2020, MPP’s Governance Board decided to broaden its mandate to include all health technologies that can help in the fight against COVID-19.

“In mid-November, 20 generic manufacturers entered into a ground-breaking open pledge initiated by MPP to ensure sufficient capacity and accelerate access to hundreds of millions of doses of COVID-19 treatment when they become available. The pledge is a first-of-its-kind bringing generic manufacturers together in a global response,” said Charles Gore, MPP’s Executive Director. “Our ten years of experience of working hand in glove with industry and global health partners along with our achievements to date reaffirms our commitment to ensuring no one is left behind.”

Media contact: Maggie Zander | +41 79 593 17 74 | zanderm@unitaid.who.int

Innovative delivery systems for paediatric medicines technology landscape

Actualités Unitaid – Octobre 2020

FR_Le Colibri, Octobre 2020

Actualités Unitaid – janvier 2019

Unitaid invests in revolutionary long-acting medicines

Médicaments à action prolongée contre le paludisme, la tuberculose et l’hépatite C

Unitaid remercie le Président Macron pour son soutien et son leadership lors de la conférence de reconstitution des ressources du Fonds mondial

Lyon – Unitaid wholeheartedly thanks President Emmanuel Macron for France’s renewed three-year contribution, support that enables Unitaid to continue its push to bring about the innovations needed to reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals for global health.

“We maintain our full commitment to Unitaid,” President Macron said, speaking in Lyon today at the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment Conference. “I want to announce here the renewal of our support for the next three years.”

France is one of the founders of Unitaid, and its leading donor.

Unitaid also congratulates France for its leadership in the Global Fund’s successful replenishment, which met its goal Thursday afternoon by raising $US 14 billion for the next three years to accelerate the end of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria as epidemics.

Unitaid works closely with the Global Fund to develop global health innovations that can be introduced on a large scale.

“France’s steadfast support of Unitaid can be directly credited with millions of lives saved and improved through better access to high-quality medicines, the latest tests and methods,” Unitaid Executive Director Lelio Marmora said. “President Macron is showing unprecedented, extraordinary leadership in pushing us to do more.”

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For more information:

The Hummingbird. Unitaid News – September 2019 (en anglais seulement)

Unitaid News