21 February 2022 | Statements

In memory of Dr Paul Farmer

Geneva – It is with great sadness that Unitaid received the news of Dr Paul Farmer’s passing this week. Co-founder of Partners in Health (PIH) and a devoted physician, Dr Farmer, through his work at PIH and beyond, helped to pioneer novel, community-based treatment strategies to enable access to high-quality health care in resource-limited settings. A great humanitarian, his dedication to health, human rights and equity shone through in his life’s work and in the lives that he touched and the communities he helped improve. 

As co-founder and chief strategist of PIH, his influence was integral to the delivery of several successful joint projects with Unitaid, including one of Unitaid’s flagship TB investments, which aimed at improving treatment for  multidrug-resistant TB around the world. 

”Dr Farmer’s passing is a huge loss for global health,” said Dr Philippe Duneton, Executive Director of Unitaid. “I learned so much from Paul – from his vision, his leadership and the critical sense of justice he brought to all his work. He will be sorely missed.” 

On behalf of all those at Unitaid, we wish to extend our sincerest condolences to Dr Farmer’s family, friends and colleagues.

Media contact

For more information and media requests:

Hervé Verhoosel

Mobile: +44 77 29 618 634

Email: verhooselh@unitaid.who.int

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