27 October 2022 | Statements

The Republic of Korea reaffirms its strong support to Unitaid to ensure equitable access to health tools

Dr Duneton, Unitaid's Executive Director and Marisol Touraine, Unitaid's Chair of the Executive Board with Mr. Park Yong Min, Deputy Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs (left) and Mr. Won Do-Yeon, Director-General of the Cooperation Bureau and Unitaid Board Member (right)

Dr Philippe Duneton, Executive Director of Unitaid and Marisol Touraine, Chair of Unitaid’s Executive Board with Mr. Park Yong Min, Deputy Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs (left) and Mr. Won Do-Yeon, Director-General of the Cooperation Bureau and Unitaid Board Member (right).


Geneva – Unitaid welcomes the contribution of US$5 million from the Republic of Korea to support the implementation of its new strategy.

The Republic of Korea has supported Unitaid’s essential role in the fight against HIV, tuberculosis, malaria and, more recently, COVID-19 as a key donor and member of the Executive Board since 2007.

This latest commitment of funding builds on an US$80 million total contribution from the Republic of Korea since Unitaid’s inception, including support to Unitaid’s COVID-19 response work as part of the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A).

“The Republic of Korea strongly appreciates Unitaid’s work in ensuring access to health innovations and will continue to strengthen its cooperation with Unitaid,” said Mr. Park Yong Min, Deputy Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs.

Unitaid is grateful for the Republic of Korea’s longstanding support and renewed financial contribution. We value the Republic of Korea’s leadership in global health driven by the Korean biotechnology companies’ excellent R&D and manufacturing capacity,” said Marisol Touraine, Chair of Unitaid’s Executive Board.

The funding commitment was announced on the sidelines of the World Bio Summit, co-hosted by the Republic of Korea and the World Health Organization.

For media requests:

Maggie Zander

Communications officer

M: +41 79 593 17 74


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