R9-2024-e Cost Extension for the Project “Global long-acting drug combination development” (GLAD)
R8-2024-e Cost Extension for the Project “Long-acting pipeline to establish medicines for malaria, tuberculosis and hepatitis C virus with infrastructure for sustainable translational capacity (LONGEVITY)”
R7-2024-e Cost Extension for the Project “Long-acting injectable formulation of ivermectin as a new vector control tool to reduce malaria transmission” (IMPACT)
R6-2024-e Go-ahead for the development of grant agreement packages on Mitigating Antimalarial Drug Resistance for proposed project with Jhpiego Corporation
R5-2024-e Go-ahead for the development of grant agreement packages on Catalyzing Adoption of an Expanded Vector Control Toolbox to Fight Malaria for proposed projects with Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, and Centre for Research in Infectious Diseases, Cameroon
R4-2024-e Improved Access to AHD Care and Treatment 4HIV (IMPAACT4HIV) Project
R3-2024-e Transforming Advanced HIV Disease care in LMICs through comprehensive and equitable access (“THRIVE”) Project
R2-2024-e Cost Extension for the Project “Integrating PrEP into Comprehensive Services for Adolescent Girls and Young Women”