Board documents
15 October 2020

Board Meeting 36 Special Session

Special Session on the Selection of the Executive Director

17-18 June 2020

Board Meeting 35

Virtual meeting



R1 - Renewal of the appointments of the Chair and members of the Proposal Review Committee
R2 - Unitaid 2019 audited financial statements
R3 - ACT-A Bridge Funding Mechanism
R4 - Mandate and Process for Unitaid’s involvement in the Access to COVID Technologies Accelerator
R5 - Code of Ethical Conduct for Unitaid Board Constituencies and Governance Officials
25 March 2020

Board Meeting 34 Special Session

Virtual meeting


Resolutions :

No resolutions adopted
20-21 November 2019

Board Meeting 33

Global Health Campus Geneva, Switzerland.



R1 - Framework to pilot an agility mechanism
R2 - Review of key performance indicators
R3 - Area for Intervention malaria chemoprevention, focus on IPTi
R4 - Unitaid Budget 2020
R5 - Appointment of PSC and FAC chairs and vice-chairs
R6 - Appointment of PSC and FAC members
R7 - Appointment of GWG Chair and members
R8 - Amendment to the Board Operating Procedures
19-20 June 2019

Board Meeting 32

The Plaza Hotel Seoul, Republic of Korea.



R1 - Unitaid 2018 Audited Financial Statements
R2 - Liquidity Policy
R3 - Foreign Exchange Risk Mitigation Policy
R4 - Report of the 2017-2021 Midterm Strategy Review
R5 - Updated terms of reference of FAC and PSC
R6 - Calendar of 2019 and 2020 Board and Committee meetings dates
R7 - Election of the Board Vice-Chair
R8 - Vote of thanks to outgoing Chair and Welcome to new Chair
R9 - Unitaid Board Evolution
28 May 2019

Board Meeting 31 Special Session

Global Health Campus Geneva, Switzerland.


R1 - Election of the Executive Board Chair
05-06 December 2018

Board Meeting 30

Radisson Blu Hotel Marrakech, Morocco.



R1 - Approval of the 2019 Unitaid budget
R2 - Unitaid Risk Management Policy
R3 - Area for Intervention: Accelerating impact of long-acting technologies in low and middle-income countries
R4 - Area for Intervention: Better tools for the diagnosis and treatment of Plasmodium vivax malaria
R5 - Launch of the Board Chair selection process
R6 - Extension of the mandate of the Vice-Chair
R7 - Governance Working Group Extension of mandate
R8 - Revised Calendar of Board and Committee meetings for 2019
21 June 2018

Board Meeting 29

Villa du Lac Divonne-les-Bains, France.



R1 - Unitaid 2017 Audited Financial Statements
R2 - Board Operating Procedures
R3 - Extension of the Vice-Chair’s mandate
R4 - Seat of the Republic of Korea in the Unitaid Executive Board
R5 - Creation of a GWG sub-group on the approach to the management of Board declarations of interests
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Cost Extension for the Project “Global long-acting drug combination development” (GLAD)


Cost Extension for the Project “Long-acting pipeline to establish medicines for malaria, tuberculosis and hepatitis C virus with infrastructure for sustainable translational capacity (LONGEVITY)”


Cost Extension for the Project “Long-acting injectable formulation of ivermectin as a new vector control tool to reduce malaria transmission” (IMPACT)


Go-ahead for the development of grant agreement packages on Mitigating Antimalarial Drug Resistance for proposed project with Jhpiego Corporation


Go-ahead for the development of grant agreement packages on Catalyzing Adoption of an Expanded Vector Control Toolbox to Fight Malaria for proposed projects with Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, and Centre for Research in Infectious Diseases, Cameroon


Improved Access to AHD Care and Treatment 4HIV (IMPAACT4HIV) Project


Transforming Advanced HIV Disease care in LMICs through comprehensive and equitable access (“THRIVE”) Project


Cost Extension for the Project “Integrating PrEP into Comprehensive Services for Adolescent Girls and Young Women”

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