PAHO and Unitaid strengthen partnership to eliminate communicable diseases from the Americas
Countdown to 2030: Stronger alignment for country impact
Ahead of the 77th World Health Assembly, the 13 signatory agencies of the Global Action Plan for Healthy Lives and Well-being for All (SDG3 GAP) have released their fifth progress report, Aligning for Country Impact. Past the crucial SDG midpoint, with only 15% of the 50+ health-related SDGs on track to reach their 2030 targets, the SDG3 GAP’s goal remains the same: multilateral collaboration evolves in response to a rapidly changing world and, crucially, in alignment with country priorities and needs.
In 2024, the SDG3 GAP approach has been used in 69 countries. Country case studies in the report, illustrate how the commitment to stronger collaboration is being translated into reality at country level. This fifth progress report amplifies countries’ voices and notes their calls for greater alignment among development partners around national plans, most recently through the second round of the SDG3 GAP monitoring framework government feedback. The analysis of this year’s feedback presents successes and challenges in both coordination and collaboration and proposes corrective measures for the way forward. Using this approach, countries have been able to suggest specific improvements for collaboration and coordination at all levels. Moving forward, development partners can consider these suggestions and best practices, to enable both strong country leadership, and strong alignment with national health-sector strategies and national planning and coordination mechanisms.
The report reflects on the lessons learned so far and actions taken to implement recommendations from last year’s report. This includes revisiting the accelerators (programmatic areas crucial to accelerating progress on the health-related SDGs), acknowledging that stronger leadership and enhanced cross-accelerator collaborations drive increased alignment at the country level. Successes under accelerator themes over the past year include, the work of the Primary Health Care accelerator, which has focused support to 20 priority countries to develop and deliver a comprehensive package of essential health services. The Sustainable Financing for Health accelerator, which has provided a platform for partners to provide inputs into the Future of Global Health Initiatives Process, is providing a range of pooled or co-financed operations in countries and has identified some key issues and lessons learned from their joint financing of health-systems strengthening in low- and middle-income countries.
In recognizing the importance of leveraging strengths and partnerships, the agencies support alignment with emerging agendas such as the conclusion of the Future of Global Health Initiatives Process, which captures consensus around five key shifts for the long term evolution of global health initiatives, known as the Lusaka Agenda, and new strategies such as Gavi’s 6.0 Health Systems Strategy, World Bank’s Evolution Roadmap and WHO’s 14th Global Program of Work. Additionally, they continue to improve alliances with initiatives including UHC2030, to support countries in meeting their universal health care commitments.
“Progress towards meeting the health-related targets of the 2030 SDGs is only about one-third of what is needed,” said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Chair of the SDG3 GAP Principals Group. “The SDG3 GAP is founded on the idea that stronger collaboration between multilateral agencies can help us get back on track. This report takes stock of achievements and lessons learned during these years and provides directions for how SDG3 GAP should evolve going forward in our joint efforts for better health for all.”
Incentives for collaboration, including the cost of collaboration, still hold back fulfilling the immense potential for stronger collaboration and alignment both within the SDG3 GAP and across the multilateral system. Constrained financial, technical and operational resources mean that development partners’ accountability mechanisms on collaboration across the broader health ecosystem are limited.
The findings of an Independent Evaluation of the SDG3 GAP are expected in September 2024. The evaluation results could prompt a rethinking of approaches taken thus far, both inside the scope of SDG3 GAP, and outside of its structures. This progress report contributes to the basis for further discussions among the signatory agencies and relevant stakeholders, on how to further improve the alignment and collaboration across the global health ecosystem to achieve progress towards the health-related SDGs.
Quotes from SDG3 GAP Principals
Dr Sania Nishtar, CEO, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance:
“Gavi strives to make a sustainable impact on global health by ensuring our actions are in harmony with countries’ efforts to improve public health and well-being. Our role in the Sustainable Financing for Health Accelerator underscores our dedication to helping countries rapidly improve the generation, allocation, and use of funds for health. By working together, we can build robust health systems that will withstand current and future global health challenges.”
Juan Pablo Uribe, Global Director for Health, Nutrition and Population, World Bank and Director, Global Financing Facility for Women, Children and Adolescents:
“Ensuring better health for women, children and adolescents is the foundation of prosperous societies and resilient growth. With a clear call from countries for better alignment behind their health plans, the Global Financing Facility will continue to focus on supporting countries for stronger coordination with partners and aligned financing to accelerate health progress for women, children and adolescents, particularly in the hardest to reach communities.”
Gilbert F. Houngbo, Director-General, International Labour Organization:
“The ILO is committed to promoting a social justice approach to investments in health and care as a contribution to achieving the SDG 3 targets. This includes investments in social protection, occupational safety and health, and decent work for health and care workers.”
Peter Sands, Executive Director, The Global Fund:
“The world is beset by interlocking and intersecting crises. These crises, and those looming on the horizon, are exposing the fragility of advances in human health and development. The Global Fund’s partnership model is the foundation for successful implementation of the SDGs. Restoring advancement toward the SDGs and future-proofing progress requires agile, collaborative, well-resourced and resilient systems for health that leave no one behind when crises inevitably strike.”
Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director, UNAIDS:
“Too many countries are struggling to meet the health needs of their people. The good news is that we know what needs to be done. World leaders need to urgently boost public financing for health, and fix the global debt crisis that is draining vital resources needed to save lives. Leaders need to support communities to lead, so that health systems can meet people’s needs. And leaders need protect everyone’s human rights, so that all people can access all services without fear or stigma. With courage, commitment, and collaboration, health for all can be secured.”
Achim Steiner, Administrator, United Nations Development Programme:
“The continued, slow recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and the crushing weight of debt servicing in many developing countries is curtailing critical investments in healthcare and health systems. At the same time, conflicts, crises, and a changing climate are inflicting an increasing toll on societal health and wellbeing. In this context, the latest SDG 3 GAP progress report pinpoints the interventions needed to realize the health-related Sustainable Development Goals and a revitalized global health ecosystem aligned with country priorities that safeguards the health of both people and planet – an attainable ambition that the United Nations Development Programme will continue to support with our partners across the globe.”
Dr Natalia Kanem, Executive Director, UNFPA:
“Thirty years since the adoption of the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action, the evidence is clear: resilient health systems are essential for ensuring universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights – a cornerstone for achieving our 2030 targets. In a turbulent world, UNFPA and our partners in the SDG 3 Global Action Plan remain steadfast in our commitment to supporting country-led action to uphold the health, rights and choices of every woman and girl.”
Catherine Russell, UNICEF Executive Director:
“UNICEF is committed to realizing the Child Survival goals by 2030, with Primary Health Care as a critical investment to end preventable deaths and save the lives of women and children. These efforts must go hand-in-hand with interventions that protect girls, such as keeping them in school, while avoiding child marriages and early pregnancies. UNICEF supports the alignment of fully funded health plans under the leadership of national governments. Community Health Workers, who are trained and paid, and who have access to well-resourced primary health care facilities, are key to accelerating progress on child survival and development.”
Dr Philippe Duneton, Executive Director, Unitaid:
“A coordinated global health response is critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. We rely on mechanisms like the Global Action Plan to monitor our progress and help us refine our approach so we can reach more people with vital care and improve global health for all.”
Sima Bahous, Executive Director, UN Women:
“Unlocking the full potential of the 2030 Agenda lies upon achieving gender equality and championing the rights of all women and girls everywhere. SDG3, aiming at achieving good heath and well-being for all, is no exception. UN Women encourages all stakeholders to double their actions, to dedicate resources at the grassroots level and to dismantle discriminatory norms. Together, we can pave the way for a future where every woman and girl thrives, where their health and well-being prospers without barriers.”
Dr Mamta Murthi, Vice President for Human Development, World Bank Group:
“Investing in people’s health and nutrition creates human capital and is a key driver for ending poverty on a livable planet. With governments around the world under increasing financial constraints, we need to make sure that health investments remain a priority. By working together in support of country-led plans to strengthen health systems, partners can help countries crowd-in resources and use them effectively to improve health outcomes and make progress towards the health-related SDGs.”
Cindy McCain, Executive Director, World Food Programme:
“Robust health and balanced nutrition are two sides of the same coin so it’s vital that we all work together to address the causes of hunger, malnutrition and illness. The SDG3 Global Action Plan provides a valuable route map to help us collaborate even more effectively, paving the way to a healthier, hunger-free future for all.”
- Read the full report
- Read the 2024 monitoring framework report
- Send questions or feedback on the report to:
SDG3 GAP agencies
- Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance
- Global Financing Facility for Women, Children and Adolescents (GFF)
- International Labour Organization (ILO)
- Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)
- The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (The Global Fund)
- Unitaid
- United Nations Development Fund (UNDP)
- United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
- United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
- United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)
- World Bank Group
- World Food Programme (WFP)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
Industry Engagement Forum in Lagos aims to increase health product manufacturing in Africa
How Unitaid is supporting Brazil’s G20 health agenda with innovative solutions
The Group of Twenty (G20) convenes the world’s major economies to influence international policies on key issues such as trade, health, climate, and more. Led by Brazil this year, and within the G20 framework, specialized Working Groups made up of experts and officials from relevant ministries facilitate discussions on these topics as part of the collective decision-making process. The G20 health working group focuses on pressing global health issues and fosters international collaboration and collective action. Unitaid actively participates in the G20 Health Working Group, contributing expertise and resources to help shape effective health strategies and policies.
Discussions at this year’s G20 health working group meetings are focused on innovative approaches to today’s global health challenges while charting a path toward more resilient health systems. Under its G20 presidency, Brazil is steering the health agenda toward expansive and inclusive policies with an emphasis on four key priorities:
- Pandemic prevention, preparedness and response with a focus on local and regional production of medicines, vaccines and strategic health supplies
- The expansion of digital health technologies
- Equitable access to health innovations
- The integration of climate considerations into health policies
These four priority areas for the G20 come at a crucial moment, as the global health infrastructure buckles under post-pandemic realities on top of emerging threats like climate change and antimicrobial and insecticide resistance. Unitaid’s core work—with support from many G20 countries and observers—aligns well with Brazil’s key priority areas in addressing today’s challenges. By accelerating access to innovative health products in low- and middle-income countries, Unitaid is helping to create a more resilient global health system and stands ready to work with G20 members and the broader international community to advance these vital health priorities.
Concrete results expected of the G20 health working group this year include establishing a multilateral alliance for access, innovation and regional production. Unitaid welcomes the initiative of the Brazilian presidency to emphasize health equity in this proposal, recognizing that access is not an afterthought and that the needs of patients must be addressed from the research and development phase to product delivery. Equitable access to health innovation is the cornerstone of the Unitaid strategy and is a founding principle. Without specific intervention to ensure access, medical innovations typically take 10 years to reach the most vulnerable people. By the time key health products and medicines arrive in low- and middle-income countries, they lack market incentives and are maladapted to the needs of the population.
Equitable access to a lifesaving product requires that the product is developed in the first place, and collaborative research and development with a targeted agenda can address gaps in the public health response against key diseases where the market fails. As Brazil’s G20 presidency prioritizes local and regional production in pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response, Unitaid reiterates its dedication to supporting an equitable innovation agenda that can fast-track the development of new treatments and diagnostic tools that are fit to serve the populations in need. Likewise, dedicated efforts are ongoing at Unitaid to accelerate access to transformative new technologies, such as long-acting injectables and monoclonal antibodies, which may enable access to much-needed products today while equipping us for new threats in the future, including pandemics or climate-induced health crises.
Unitaid’s strategy extends to boosting regional production capabilities to ensure these vital resources are available to respond to major persistent health issues and crises, especially in low—and middle-income countries. We have seen that sustainable and competitive production of key quality-assured and price-competitive products at the regional level is viable. For example, with Unitaid support, the first African manufacturer attained the required WHO prequalification status to become a global supplier of lifesaving antimalarial medication. Thanks to a technology transfer from the UK and the Republc of Korea – facilitated by Unitaid and partners – regional production for COVID-19 rapid tests began in Senegal during the pandemic, and shifted to produce tests for other diseases beyond the crisis phase. There is now an opportunity to embrace dual-purpose investments that have a viable demand during inter-crisis periods and can pivot to producing pandemic products during health emergencies.
Regional manufacturing has been one of the tools in Unitaid’s market-shaping toolbox for access. To succeed, the following four elements must be met:
- First is the financial viability of regional production, which hinges on market prospects and sufficiently funded demand. Sustained efforts and collaboration are needed to foster demand aggregation and build regional markets large enough to benefit from economies of scale. G20 countries’ purchasing power is a key element to render such efforts viable, as very few countries are large enough to do this independently.
- Second, attaining global quality-assurance standards will enable regional manufacturers to rise as global and regional suppliers. There is a limited pool of manufacturers with sufficient production capacity and experience to meet the requisite quality assurance standards requested by domestic regulations and large purchase funds, undermining market viability.
- Third, creating more efficient regulatory processes across regional and global levels, particularly for new technologies. The complexity of overlapping and often conflicting regulatory processes across multiple mechanisms at the regional and global levels is a barrier.
- Fourth, building strategic plans built on robust analyses to ensure end-to-end viability of value chains, from the synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients and other critical inputs, to the final formulation of finished pharmaceutical products(or diagnostic tests).
Regional manufacturing can also enable regions to customize and adapt health products to local contexts where global innovation is not adapted or insufficient; it can enhance local expertise, support knowledge transfer and capacity building, bridge the gap between innovation and manufacturing capacity, and strengthen regional regulation.
Embracing regional manufacturing also has the potential to support another priority under Brazil’s G20 presidency: the adoption of climate-resilient value chains. As an organization focused on access to optimized health products for LMICs, Unitaid already works with a wide range of partners who develop, manufacture, procure, and promote the use of key health products, and has a strategy in place to advance “climate-smart” healthcare solutions that are more resilient to climate change and involve green manufacturing and distribution models.
Supporting equitable access and boosting innovation targeting patients’ needs is also key when addressing antimicrobial resistance. Resistance to critical medicines and insecticides threatens to stall – or reverse – progress in the fight against infectious disease. Unitaid welcomes the reinforced efforts under this presidency to advance the pipeline of tools to improve the AMR fight, given the widening gaps in innovation, market entry, country adoption, and adequate use of new regimens for antimicrobial resistance. Through a diverse portfolio, Unitaid addresses current market failures by supporting access to adapted therapeutics and diagnostics to prevent, monitor, and contain resistance. This includes better formulations and new-drug delivery technologies that can help promote adherence and protect existing therapeutics for infectious diseases.
Finally, and in line with Brazil’s emphasis on digital health, Unitaid actively supports optimizing the integration of digital technologies in healthcare. Our projects leverage digital technology like smart pillboxes, video-supported treatments, and medication labels to support adherence and referral to care in tuberculosis, using artificial intelligence for diagnostics in tuberculosis or cervical cancer, and digital innovations in maternal and child health. These efforts are essential in enhancing data integration within national health systems and expanding telehealth services in low- and middle-income countries.
Unitaid’s alignment with Brazil’s G20 health priorities underscores our shared commitment to enhancing global health security and equity. Our efforts to support equitable innovation, facilitate regional production capabilities, integrate climate-resilient solutions, expand digital health innovations, and prevent antimicrobial resistance are well-positioned to help G20 countries build a more robust global health system. As we continue to support these initiatives, Unitaid remains dedicated to advancing collaborative solutions that respond to today’s urgent health needs while preparing for tomorrow’s challenges.
Media Contact
Kyle Wilkinson, Media Officer, Unitaid
+41 79 445 1745
Enabling a market-based approach to manufacturing quality-assured health products in Africa: A differentiated coordination approach
Regional manufacturing
Unitaid awards US$24 million in funding to address intellectual property-related barriers to health technologies
With new grants issued to three organizations, Unitaid will continue to support work on the use of TRIPS flexibilities – internationally agreed legal mechanisms allowing countries to overcome or reduce the potential negative impact of patents in response to specific public health needs – to enable equitable access to critical health products in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). This work aims to ensure the products are affordable and available to everyone in LMICs who needs them.
Before the COVID-19 pandemic began, a World Health Organization publication estimated that as many as two billion people lacked access to essential medicines. Then the pandemic overloaded health systems and set back progress on diseases such as HIV, tuberculosis (TB), malaria, and hepatitis C, among others. It also laid bare profound disparities in the way that health research is conducted and how access to innovation is determined.
Without intervention, inequitable access will only widen, and populations that are already vulnerable and marginalized will face increasing risk of disease, poverty, reduced quality of life and even death.
Working in partnership with the International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC), Third World Network (TWN), and Wemos, Unitaid will contribute to equitable access to health products of public health importance by improving affordability, building capacity and improving supply of key tools for HIV, TB, hepatitis C, cervical cancer, and public health emergencies, in complementarity with other access strategies such as voluntary licenses.