Evaluations & learnings

Evaluations provide independent assessments of our work, help us make adjustments and plan for the future.

Our evaluation framework is based on the internationally accepted evaluation framework of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Development Assistance Committee, including its principles and criteria for grant evaluations. The framework was updated in 2022 to align with our 2023-2027 Strategy.

We require at least one evaluation for each investment or portfolio of investments, typically conducted within 12 months of closure. We also conduct prospective evaluations to facilitate real-time learning and thematic evaluations to review performance and capture learning within cross-cutting areas of our strategic framework.

Upcoming evaluations

  1. End-of-project evaluation of our investment in Perennial Malaria Chemoprevention (PMC), (Ref. link: https://www.ungm.org/Public/Notice/260555)
  2. Mid-Term Review of Unitaid’s 2023-2027 Strategy (Ref. link: RFP 2024.16 Mid-Term Review of Unitaid’s 2023-2027 Strategy)
  3. Review of Unitaid’s scalability approach: challenges and opportunities (Ref. link: RFP 2024.17 Review of Unitaid’s scalability approach: challenges and opportunities)
  4. End-of-Grant Evaluation – Medicines Patent Pool (MPP III), (Ref. link: https://www.ungm.org/Public/Notice/257052)

April 2021

Unitaid Results Framework

Evaluation report

June 2020

End of Project Evaluation for NgenIRS Project

Evaluation report

April 2020

End of project evaluation: Market entry of improved paediatric protease inhibitor-based fixed-dose combination for children with HIV/AIDS

Evaluation report

June 2019

End of grant evaluation: Ensuring access to the Hepatitis C (HCV) treatment revolution for HCV/HIV co-infected patients in LMICs

Evaluation report

March 2019

End of project evaluation of the CHAI paediatric HIV/AIDS and innovation in paediatric market access (IPMA) projects

Evaluation report

March 2019

End of project evaluation of the market entry grant to the diagnostics for the Real World on SAMBA

Evaluation report

August 2018

End of Project Evaluation of the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND) project on sustainable Global and National Quality Control for Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs)

Evaluation report

May 2018

End-of-Project Evaluation – MSF Grant on Implementation of CD4 and Viral Load Testing in Resource-Limited Settings

Evaluation report
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