30 March 2017 | Statements

UK members of parliament visit Unitaid secretariat

(L-R: Stephen Twigg, Baroness Sheehan, Kate Osamor, David Mackintosh, and Paul Scully. Image: Cian O’Luanaigh/Unitaid)

Geneva, Switzerland – A cross-party group of four Members of Parliament and a Baroness from the United Kingdom visited the Secretariat on Thursday for briefings on Unitaid’s strategy, finances, partnerships, and the scope and impact of its grant portfolio.

The group of UK parliamentarians included Kate Osamor, Labour, who is Shadow Secretary of State for International Development and a Junior Shadow Minister for Women and Equalities; Stephen Twigg, Labour, who chairs the International Development Committee, which scrutinized the UK Department for International Development; Paul Scully, Conservative, who is a member of the International Development Committee; David Mackintosh, a Conservative who supports the work of Malaria No More; and Baroness Sheehan, a member of the House of Lords and Liberal Democrat spokesperson for International Development.

The UK helped to found Unitaid and is its second-largest donor.

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