
Thank you for your interest in Unitaid's vacancies.

Unitaid is a hosted partnership of the World Health Organization.

In accordance with WHO rules, Unitaid is looking to significantly strengthen and diversify the organization with the best possible talent to secure the gains of the past years and continue to grow our impact against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

Current vacancies:

Partnerships Officer  (2404645)

Grade: P3
Contractual Arrangement: Temporary appointment under Staff Rule 420.4
Contract Duration (Years, Months, Days): 4 months
Closing Date: Jul 5, 2024, 11:59:00 PM
Location: Switzerland-Geneva
Schedule: Full-time

Apply here

Grant Finance Manager – (2404933)  

Grade: P4
Contractual Arrangement: Fixed-term appointment
Contract Duration (Years, Months, Days): 2 years
Closing Date: Jul 23, 2024, 11:59:00 PM
Location: Switzerland-Geneva
Schedule: Full-time

Apply here

Consultancy Services

RFP 2024.11 Supporting Unitaid in the design and implementation of innovative financing mechanisms
Unitaid is seeking services from qualified organization(s)/consultancy firm(s) with relevant experience to support Unitaid in the creation and implementation of innovative financing mechanisms to mobilize resources, enhance financial sustainability and drive progress towards achieving its resource mobilization target.

Deadline for tender submission: 20 June 2024, 17:00hrs CET (Geneva, Switzerland time)

UNGM link: (UNGM Tender Reference: UNITAID/P/0007997)

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