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Ahead of World TB Day, Unitaid and FIND welcome WHO resources to accelerate access to faster, more accurate tests for drug-resistant tuberculosis

News | 21 March 2024
...diagnostic platforms do not have the capacity to identify. Moreover, tNGS can detect resistance to multiple drugs simultaneously and has the potential to integrate new resistance profiles as they become...

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Joint UNFPA-Unitaid venture backed by major EU funding aims to eliminate the leading cause of mothers dying in childbirth in Africa

News | 20 March 2024
...authorities, aims to strengthen health systems in Africa and accelerate access to life-saving medicines in a significant drive to end preventable maternal deaths. Every year, 70,000 women die from severe...

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New Nets Prevent 13 Million Malaria Cases in Sub-Saharan Africa

News | 17 April 2024
...has made a massive contribution to malaria control efforts, helping to accelerate introduction of next-generation bed nets – a critically important tool for reducing malaria cases and deaths. The success...

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Global Fund and Unitaid Increase Collaboration to Advance Equitable Access to Health Products

News | 27 June 2024 agreement, the Global Fund and Unitaid will increase collaboration to identify promising health products in development and accelerate approvals, engage with suppliers to secure availability and affordability of products...

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Unitaid joins the Triple I for Global Health to strengthen global health impact investments

News | 28 May 2024
...funds, we can accelerate progress towards universal health coverage and strengthen pandemic preparedness.” Unitaid has a long-standing history of improving access to treatment, diagnostics, and prevention for major diseases such...

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Unitaid unveils new report on technologies to prevent cervical cancer, a leading killer of women worldwide

News | 18 September 2024
...countries, where screening and treatment rates are low. Cervical cancer can be cured if diagnosed at an early stage and treated promptly, but until recently, many of the available tools...

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Overlooked No More: Access to TB Innovations for Children and Pregnant Women is a Must

News | 19 March 2024
Geneva – Ahead of World TB Day, 24 March, Unitaid reaffirms its commitment to accelerate efforts to end tuberculosis (TB) by 2030 by addressing health inequities, making new health products...

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Unitaid renews call for clear access strategy after positive results from Gilead’s PURPOSE 2 lenacapavir trial

News | 13 September 2024
...among cisgender women and adolescent girls—groups that also continue to experience disproportionately high rates of new infections in many countries. We are at a pivotal moment in the fight against...

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Countdown to 2030: Stronger alignment for country impact

News | 23 May 2024 69 countries. Country case studies in the report, illustrate how the commitment to stronger collaboration is being translated into reality at country level. This fifth progress report amplifies countries’...

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A new initiative will deliver enhanced malaria prevention to children under two across Africa through a WHO-recommended but under-implemented intervention

News | 15 September 2021 Through a country-led, co-design process, the project will develop scalable IPTi delivery models and generate compelling evidence to catalyze wide-spread roll-out of this life-saving intervention in high-burden countries across...

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