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R6-2021-e “Towards the elimination of congenital infection in Chagas Disease in Latin America (CUIDA Chagas)” Project


R7-2021-e Additional contribution from Portugal


FIND and Unitaid invest to support technology transfer and boost local production of COVID-19 rapid tests in low- and middle-income countries

News | 15 July 2021
Technology transfer agreements signed to enable expanded production of high-quality antigen rapid tests in Africa and Latin America Agreements signed with DCN Dx to transfer know-how to WAMA Diagnóstica (Brazil),...

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Unitaid looks to invest in better tools to improve tuberculosis detection

News | 24 March 2021
Geneva – Unitaid is pleased to announce a new call for proposals in the area of tools to drive tuberculosis (TB) detection. Despite recent advances in the fight against TB,...

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New paediatric formulation for HIV treatment hits the ground in six African countries

News | 04 October 2021
Child starting pediatric DTG 10mg at a health facility in Malawi. Credit: Lighthouse Trust. Geneva, 4 October 2021 – On World AIDS Day 2020, Unitaid and the Clinton Health Access...

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R18-2021-e Go-ahead for the development of grant agreement packages on Accelerating tools to drive tuberculosis (TB) detection for proposed projects with FIND, the Global Alliance for Diagnostics, and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK


R19-2021-e Cost Extension for the D2EFT Project


GAVI, Unitaid and the Global Fund welcome WHO recommendation for world’s first malaria vaccine

News | 06 October 2021
WHO recommendation for wider use of the RTS,S malaria vaccine is largely based on data gathered during malaria vaccine pilots which took place in Kenya, Ghana and Malawi Gavi, the...

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