Scaling up malaria medicines in Burundi and Liberia
Grant Value

US$1.3 million

Time frame

March-December 2007

Lead Grantee


Program Area
Status: Completed

The problem

Malaria medicines save lives. When Global Fund support in Burundi and Liberia ended in 2007 without a transition plan in place, the countries were at risk of facing stock outs of artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs), which are critical for treating malaria infections.

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Our response

This short-term project was conceived as a stop-gap measure and successfully secured an uninterrupted supply of ACTs for Burundi and Liberia. The project also identified gaps in the medicine supply management systems of both countries, helping to strengthen their health systems.

In Burundi, where more than 720,000 ACTs were delivered, there was a 22% increase in the number of people treated for malaria compared to 2005. Results in Liberia were similar, with nearly 680,000 ACTs delivered and a 20% increase in people treated for malaria.

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